Virbac Epiotic ® Ear Cleanser SIS for Dogs & Cats
Epi-otic SIS is the ear cleanser with a unique and innovative formulation. It offers an ideal combination of proven cleansing properties which emulsifies the ear wax for ease of cleaning with an anti-odor technology. The physiologic neutral pH gives a gentle, soothing effect while cleaning the ears.
The Skin Innovative Science TM (S.I.S) technology provides the right microbial balance to help the skin heal itself when there is an ear infection. Epiotic SIS is also used as an aid in the management of otitis externa, caused by bacteria and yeast.
Epi-otic SIS ear cleanser is available in a 125 ml bottle. It contains dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, salicylic acid, parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX) and EDTA sodium. Includes the Skin Innovative Science TM (S.I.S) technology of Glycotechnology - micro-organism anti-adhesive effect; and Defensin Technology for natural microbial defense stimulation.
Directions for use:
Completely fill the ear canal with Epi-otic SIS ear cleanser, massage the ear gently for 1 minute and wipe the area clean with a cotton ball. Allow the dog to shake its head so it can flush out any dirt or debris.
Consult with your veterinarian for the proper ear cleaning protocol.